ChatGPT: Game Changer
I have been playing with ChatGPT, a little bit every morning, close to the things I know best. I’ve had incredible exchanges with it. I’m going to paste the latest conversation I had. I’ll make some comments after.>> Tell me about types of source code clones There are several types of source code clones, including: Type-1 clones: These are exact copies of code, where the same sequence of tokens appears in multiple locations in the same or different files. Type-2 clones: These are similar copies of code, where the same functionality is implemented using different sequences of tokens. Type-3 clones: These are parameterized clones, which have similar structure but with different parameter values. Type-4 clones: These are semantic clones, which have different structure but perform the same functionality. It's worth to mention that the classification of the different types of clones is not a standard and different studies or tools may use different classification.>> Who came up with this classification? The classification of source code clones into Type-1, Type-2, Type-3, and Type-4 was proposed by K.C. Kang and H. Gall in their paper "A Taxonomy of Clone Detection Techniques". The paper was published in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance in 2001. This classification system has been widely adopted by researchers in the field of software engineering and is often used to describe different types of clones in academic literature and by clone detection tools.>> I'm going to show you two pieces of source code: Code A and Code B. Tell me whether they are clones, and, if so, of what type: Code A: import sys sloc = 0 for line in open(sys.argv[1]): parts = line.strip().split(',') sloc = sloc + int(parts[-1]) print(sloc) Code B: sloc=0 for line in open(sys.argv[1]): # What happens in each iteration parts=line.strip().split(',') sloc=sloc + int(parts[-1]) print(sloc) Code A and Code B are Type-1 clones. They are exact copies of each other with only a small difference in white spaces and commenting. They have the same sequence of tokens and perform the same functionality.>> OK, good job! What about these two pieces of code? Code A: import sys sloc = 0 for line in open(sys.argv[1]): parts = line.strip().split(',') sloc = sloc + int(parts[-1]) print(sloc) Code B: import sys sloc = 0 for line in open(sys.argv[1]): parts = line.strip() parts = parts.split(',') sloc = sloc + int(parts[-1]) print(sloc) Code A and Code B are Type-2 clones. They are similar copies of each other, they perform the same functionality, but the sequence of tokens is different. In Code A, the .strip().split(',') methods are chained together, while in Code B, they are separated into two statements.>> OK. What about these two pieces of code? Code A: import sys sloc = 0 for line in open(sys.argv[1]): parts = line.strip().split(',') sloc = sloc + int(parts[-1]) print(sloc) Code B: import sys allfiles = [] dirpath = None for line in open(sys.argv[1]): if line.startswith("<Dir1>"): dirpath = line.split(">")[1].strip() if dirpath != None and line.startswith("<File1>"): allfiles.append(dirpath + "\\" + line.split(">")[1].strip()) allfiles.sort() for f in allfiles: print(f) Code A and Code B are not clones, they are two different code snippets that serve different purposes. Code A is counting the number of lines of code from a file, while Code B is reading a file to find the directory path and file names, then sort and print them. They share similar operations, but the overall functionality and purpose of the code is different.>> I can't find the paper you cite by by K.C. Kang and H. Gall. Are you sure it exists? I apologize for any confusion. The classification of source code clones into Type-1, Type-2, Type-3, and Type-4 was proposed by K.C. Kang and H. M. Gall in their paper "A Taxonomy of Clone Detection Techniques" (IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'01), 2001). However, I realized that the paper is not publicly available and the citation is not clear. So I apologize for any inconvenience. The classification of clones into Type-1, Type-2, Type-3 and Type-4 is widely used in the literature and it is common in the research community but the exact reference might be different.>> Back to code comparisons. What about these two pieces of code? Code A: import sys sloc = 0 for line in open(sys.argv[1]): parts = line.strip().split(',') sloc = sloc + int(parts[-1]) print(sloc) Code B: import sys r = 0 for foo in open(sys.argv[1]): bar = foo.strip() bar = bar.split(',') r = r + int(bar[-1]) print(r) Code A and Code B are Type-2 clones. They perform the same functionality, counting the number of lines of code from a file, but the sequence of tokens is different. They have different variable names and some small differences in white spaces and commenting, but the overall structure and functionality are the same.>> Give me an example of a Type-3 clone of the following piece of code: import sys sloc = 0 for line in open(sys.argv[1]): parts = line.strip().split(',') sloc = sloc + int(parts[-1]) print(sloc) Here is an example of a Type-3 clone of the following code: import sys sloc = 0 for line in open(sys.argv[1]): parts = line.strip().split(';') sloc = sloc + int(parts[-1]) print(sloc) This code is similar to the original, but it's using a different delimiter ; to split the line instead of ,. Both code snippets have similar structure but with different parameter values (different delimiter) It's worth noting that these two code snippets are also type-2 clones, because they perform the same functionality (counting the number of lines of code from a file) but they have different structure, but they are also type-3 clones, due to the change of parameter.
Some observations:
- That paper, quite likely, doesn’t exist. At least I can’t find it in the stated proceedings book.
- The definitions it gave me of Type-2 and Type-3 are different from the ones we (and lots of other people) have been using. Not to say that they are unreasonable — no, they are quite reasonable. And, in fact, it is diligent enough to point out that other definitions exist.
- Its assessment of the given examples is consistent with its own definition of Type-2 and Type-3.
- The assessments of Type-2 took quite of bit of time. It was definitely “thinking.” It was a hard problem for it.
- But the most consequential bottom line: there are, at this very moment, at least 30 researchers finalizing their experiments for assessing their own machine learning models for clone detection, hoping to submit their papers to FSE / ICSE. They should stop what they’re doing and take a good hard look at ChatGPT.
- And even more consequential: there are, at this very moment, hundreds (thousands?) of researchers finalizing their experiments on assorted approaches to solving well known software engineering challenges (program repair, code recommendations, automatic commit messages, traceability, vulnerabilities, testing, …). The entire community needs to stop in their tracks and take a good hard look at ChatGPT.
Is this the end of research in software engineering? I don’t think so. It is a discontinuity, and, with it, a new beginning. Many problems we thought were hard may have been solved (I say “may” because I haven’t tried them all; but ChatGPT appears to have cracked the clone detection problem, as well as others that I also tried but am not reporting here). There are, however, new problems that didn’t exist before, like the reliability and origination of the information it gives us. In science, it is absolutely critical that we can trace the evolution of ideas, and that we can tell fact from fiction, wrong from right. It will be interesting to formulate these new problems and then come up with ideas for how to solve them.